Sixth Form Taster Day
Sixth Form Taster Day 2025
On Friday 24th January, our Year 11 students were able to experience a day in the life of a Sixth Form student by attending our annual Sixth Form Taster Day. Students followed an individual timetable that offered as many first-choice subjects as possible. They were able to use the Sixth Form facilities, including the study rooms and café, just like a normal Sixth Form day at Highgate Wood School. A highlight for the students, of course, was that they were able to ditch their button shirts and ties for the day and wear their own clothes to school! Apart from providing a unique opportunity to experience life as a Sixth Form student at HWS, the day also gave students the chance to consider subject options for next year and the application process for the next steps in their education with us. Thanks to the Sixth Form staff for organising a wonderful day that ran smoothly.