To inspire our students to be confident and open-minded through exceptional teaching in a caring school community. Making a positive difference to students’ achievements and experiences, maintaining the highest expectations and inspiring self-belief. Welcome I am delighted to welcome you to Highgate Wood School, a...
I am delighted to welcome you to Highgate Wood School, a successful and thriving community comprehensive school, catering for over 1500 students with a wide range of talents, aptitudes and enthusiasms. I am extremely proud of the fantastic pastoral care and strong educational provision we provide, allowing all our students to flourish and excel.
Our core values of consideration, courtesy, cooperation and contribution – the 4Cs – form the basis of the Highgate Wood Way through which our students become confident and caring citizens and are enabled to achieve the successes demonstrated in our excellent results at both A Level and GCSE.
Highgate Wood School students are expected to wear their school uniform with pride
An archive of letters and other correspondence that we send home to parentscarers.
We are a thriving and dynamic comprehensive school firmly rooted in the local community of Haringey, boasting excellent examination results.
We take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and have assembled information and useful links that may be of help.
We look forward to welcoming prospective students and parents/carers to our open events. These events will take place on the following dates:
For info on the Primary Transition Open Events, please visit:
Thursday 14th November - Post 16 Open Evening (5pm - 7pm)
Details on how to book for the Post 16 Open Evening will be available shortly.
Year 12 Parents’ Welcome Event - Tuesday 17th September 5.30pm – 7pm
For info on Music Peri Lessons for this term, please visit the following page: