Current News
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 7 (Spring 1 2021)
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 8 (Spring 1 2021)
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 9 (Spring 1 2021)
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 10 (Spring 1 2021)
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 11 (Spring 1 2021)
Headteacher’s letters
- Headteacher’s letter giving information on the school day from Tuesday 2nd February
- Headteacher’s letter to families – 24th January
- Headteacher’s letter to families – 18th January
- Headteacher’s letter to families – 11th January 2021
January 10th 2021
- Please click here for information regarding Covid-19 testing in schools, and at Highgate Wood School in particular.
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 7 (Spring 1 2021)
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 8 (Spring 1 2021)
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 9 (Spring 1 2021)
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 10 (Spring 1 2021)
- Remote Learning Overview for Year 11 (Spring 1 2021)
January 1st 2021
January 1st 2021
- Headteacher’s letter giving initials details about the start of the new term – 1st January 2021
- Revised Key Dates for Spring Term 1st Jan
December 31st 2020
We will be emailing families tomorrow on how the new plans will impact on Highgate Wood School.
Please click here for DfE press release “Delayed return to school and contingency framework: Your questions answered”
December 30th 2020
The announcement by Gavin Williamson today allows for schools to get covid testing in place during the start of the new term, whilst most students will be learning remotely. Students in school will be limited to those identified as vulnerable and also those who are the children of critical workers. If you are a critical worker with a child at Highgate Wood School please alert us by completing this online declaration.
We hope to provide further details for parents and carers available very shortly. Today’s announcement setting out the government’s contingency plans for schools in England is available here with links to all Department for Education updates here. The last published guidance for parents and carers about going back to schools, nurseries and colleges in January 2021 can be found on this link, and though is likely to be updated soon it does contain useful information.
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- Letter to Parents and Carers from Director of Public Health Haringey – December 2020
- Headteacher’s update to families on “staggered start” in 2021 – 18th December 2020
- Headteacher’s end of term letter to families (with letter from Haringey Public Health) 17th December 2020
- Key Dates for the Spring Term
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Sunday 22nd November
Positive Covid-19 results over the weekend
We have been alerted to a positive test result in the Year 10 year group and also a positive test result in the Year 9 year group bubble. As a consequence we are asking both Year 9 and Year 10 to remain at home tomorrow (23rd November) whilst we investigate the “close contacts” of the affected individuals. We anticipate that we will be asking the majority of the year groups to return to school on Tuesday.
Thursday 29th October
A further Year 11 positive test results
We have been alerted to one further positive test result in the Year 11 year group bubble. All students identified as having been in close contact with the affected individual have been notified and been asked to self-isolate (or extend their self-isolation) for the required 14 days.
Monday 26th October
A few more positive test results
During the first weekend of the half-term break we were alerted to two further Covid-19 positive results. One was with a student in the Year 11 yeargroup bubble, the other with a member of staff. Under guidance of PHE we completed the required investigated and have requested all close contacts of the affected individuals to self-isolate for 14 days from last possible contact.
Free School Meals
Haringey has announced that they will fund supermarket vouchers for those students eligible for Free School Meals to support those families during the half-term break. Highgate Wood School has put in place the system to raise the vouchers and have them delivered electronically to those eligible. This is through Wonde. For further information please contact tas@hws.haringey.sch.uk
Tuesday 20th October
All Year 10 students required to self-isolate until 30th October 2020
The number of positive Covid-19 test results from within the Year 10 yeargroup bubble has increased and currently stands at 12 students. This cluster of confirmed cases has resulted in a large number of students who may have been close, direct contact within the yeargroup. In consultation with Public Health England, the London Coronavirus Response Cell and the Director of Public Health Haringey, we are now advising all students in the Year 10 bubble to self-isolate for the required period of 14 days. We will continue to monitor this situation closely in the coming days ahead of half term next week.
As we approach the half-term holiday, Halloween and Bonfire Night celebrations, we would like to stress the importance of maintaining social distance in all contexts. As part of London, Haringey is now at HIGH local COVID alert level. This means you must not meet socially with friends and family indoors in any setting unless you live with them or have formed a support bubble with them. This includes private homes, and any other indoor venues such as pubs and restaurants. Click here to read the full government guidance on the restrictions in place.
Please click here for the Headteacher’s letter to those in the yeargroup
Posted by covid@hws.haringey.sch.uk
Sunday 18th October
Year 10 required to work at home for Monday 19th October
Two students in the Year 10 yeargroup bubble have tested positive for coronavirus. We have alerted Year 10 by text message and are circulating the Headteacher’s letter to all families so they are aware of the situation.
In order to complete our investigation with Public Health we are asking all students in the Year 10 group bubble to remain at home for Monday 19th October. All students are expected to go online to Google Classrooms and to follow their regular timetable online. They should expect to have their regular lessons with their regular teachers, but taught through video on Google Meet. Students should click onto the Year 10 Registration Room first thing in the morning and confirm that they have logged on by clicking on the register. If there are any issues with access they should contact Mr Ashman tas@hws.haringey.sch.uk
All Year 10 students should behave as though this is an official self-isolation (though it is a precautionary step in case self-isolation is required) and not leave their homes. There is no need for any student in the year group to have a covid test unless they develop symptoms.
We will update this page as the situation develops.
Posted by covid@hws.haringey.sch.uk
Wednesday 7th October
We have now completed our investigation of the positive coronavirus test result in the post-16 bubble and have been able to ask the majority of students in the yeargroup to return to school for tomorrow, Wednesday 7th October. A number of students in the sixth form have been asked to self-isolate for a number of days that will take them up to 14 days of self-isolation since their last potential contact with the affected student.
Please be advised that, for most people, COVID-19 will be a mild illness. However, if your child displays any of the symptoms below, they should stay at home and arrange to have a test to see if they have COVID-19.
The most important symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of any of the following:
- a new continuous cough
- a high temperature
- a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
You can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111. You may also wish to consider dowloading the NHS Covid-19 app. Click here for information about this. You should not apply for a Coronavirus (Covid-19) test unless you are displaying symptoms.
If your child needs to self-isolate, and is well enough to study, they should access Show My Homework and Google Classrooms. Please contact data@hws.haringey.sch.uk if you have any issues accessing these.
Posted by covid@hws.haringey.sch.uk
Tuesday 6th October
A student in the Post 16 bubble has tested positive for coronavirus. We have alerted Year 12 and 13 students by text message and using e-praise messenger, are circulating the Headteacher’s letter to all families so they are aware of the situation.
We will update this page as the situation develops.
Monday 28th September
We have now completed our investigation of the positive coronavirus test result in the Year 11 bubble and have been able to ask the majority of students in the yeargroup to return to school for tomorrow, Tuesday 29th September. A number of students in the year group, however, have been asked to self-isolate for a number of days that will take them up to 14 days of self-isolation since their last potential contact with the affected student.
Please be advised that, for most people, COVID-19 will be a mild illness. However, if your child displays any of the symptoms below, they should stay at home and arrange to have a test to see if they have COVID-19.
The most important symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of any of the following:
- a new continuous cough
- a high temperature
- a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
You can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111. You may also wish to consider dowloading the NHS Covid-19 app. Click here for information about this. You should not apply for a Coronavirus (Covid-19) test unless you are displaying symptoms.
If your child needs to self-isolate, and is well enough to study, they should access Show My Homework and Google Classrooms. Please contact data@hws.haringey.sch.uk if you have any issues accessing these.
Posted by covid@hws.haringey.sch.uk
Sunday 27th September
A student in the Year 11 yeargroup bubble has tested positive for coronavirus. This follows him being alerted by NHS test and trace after contact with a student from another school who had tested positive. As a consequence we have now asked all of Year 11 to stay at home on Monday 28th September to allow us time to investigate the situation and identify those who have had close contact with the affected student. We have alerted Year 11 by text message and are circulating the Headteacher’s letter to all families so they are aware of the situation.
We will update this page as the situation develops.
Posted by covid@hws.haringey.sch.uk
Tuesday 22nd September
Following the positive coronavirus test in the Year 10 yeargroup bubble and our consequent investigation with PHE and the DfE, we are able to confirm that most students in the affected yeargroup are now able to return to school, and children in other year groups should continue to come into school as normal.
Please be aware that the determination is based on those who had “close contact” with the affected student – which means either face to face contact with an infected individual for any length of time, within 1 metre, including being coughed on, a face to face conversation, or unprotected physical contact (skin-to-skin), or proximity contacts – extended close contact (within 1 to 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with an infected individual.
Please be advised that you should not apply for a Coronavirus (Covid-19) test unless you are displaying symptoms.
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of a new continuous cough and/or high temperature and/or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.
If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.
How to stop COVID-19 spreading
There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19
- wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
- use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- wash your hands as soon as you get home
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19
If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared.
All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.
The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.
Household members should not go to work, school or public areas and exercise should be taken within the home.
Household members staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community.
If you are able, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period.
If your child needs to stay at home
The guidance from PHE ‘Staying at Home’ guidance and further information you may find useful.
Learning resources will be available through Google Classrooms and other online tools to help students maintain their education whilst they await return to school.
Posted by covid@hws.haringey.sch.uk
Monday 21st September 18:00
The school has been alerted to a student in Year 10 having a positive Covid-19 test result. As a precaution we are asking all Year 10 students to remain at home tomorrow, Tuesday 22nd September, whilst the school and Public Health investigates the situation. Public Health have advised that other year groups should continue to attend school as normal. We will provide an update on the situation during the course of Tuesday 22nd September.
Students who are at home are asked to login to Google Classrooms to continue with their learning. If there are issues with logging into the system please email data@hws.haringey.sch.uk
Please be advised that you should not apply for a Coronavirus (Covid-19) test unless you are displaying symptoms.
Coronavirus symptoms are:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste
Posted by covid@hws.haringey.sch.uk