The guiding principles that underpin our curriculum provision are that it:
- Is broad and balanced
- Enables students to be successful, both in exams and more widely
- Is relevant to the needs of our students and appropriate to the context in which they are being prepared to succeed
- Develops the whole child, going beyond academic outcomes to encapsulate both ‘softer’ skills and desirable personal attributes and character, especially a growth mindset
- Encourages and lays the foundations for a life-long love of learning
- Has clear progression pathways from Key Stage 3 right through to Post 16 and beyond
The curriculum will be aspirational and build on prior learning experiences. Individual targets will encompass the expectation of all students making maximum progress, with the acquisition of knowledge and cultural capital necessary for success in life clearly mapped and prioritised. The curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to ensure students learning is both secure and sufficient for the next steps in future learning, and ultimately employment.
Please find Curriculum Maps for each subject at each key stage by going to each subject’s page under the ‘Learning tab’ on the main menu in the website header. For more detail about each half term’s curriculum in each subject, please check your child’s books for their ‘Learning Plan’. These outline what is being learnt and how your child will be assessed. There are also details where relevant about subject specific terminology for the unit of learning as well as suggestions for stretch and challenge.
In Key Stage Three (years 7-9) the curriculum will be broad and balanced, remaining true to our principles of giving students a variety of experiences that are theoretical, technical, practical, experiential and aesthetic. The curriculum is organised around subject areas and students will study:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- History
- Geography
- Computer Science
- Religious Ethics and Philosophy
- Art and design
- Drama
- Music
- Design and Technology
- A modern foreign language (French or Spanish)
- PE
- Life Skills/Personal, Health and Social and Economic Education
At Key Stage Four (years 10 & 11) appropriate pathways will enable students to maximise their potential. The core and compulsory curriculum will ensure that all students have the knowledge and skills necessary for future progression in education and beyond. This includes enrichment opportunities in digital technologies and computational thinking, developing personal resilience, good mental health and an appreciation of fundamental British Values. Beyond the core students will also have the opportunity to take ‘option’ subjects of their choice.
The Key Stage Four core curriculum consists of:
Students can then choose:
- A facilitating subjects option (from French, Spanish, History, Geography, Computer Science)
- Two further option choices
Students at Key Stage Four also build their character and are supported in their personal development to become active citizens in the modern world.
At Key Stage Five (Years 12 and 13) the vast majority of students follow a programme of three A Levels. Some students will study for four A Levels and some follow a mixed programme of A levels and more vocational courses. Students are encouraged to choose subjects which will enable them to progress onto a specific university degree, apprenticeship or other work related programme. We offer a wide range of subjects: