The Life Skills curriculum incorporates PHSE, citizenship, relationships and sex education, and careers education. It aims to engage, challenge and encourage all students to develop their essential skills. This enables them to become full and active citizens in our society and to embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful adult life. The curriculum equips students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to make informed decisions about relationships, their physical, mental, and financial wellbeing and future education and career options. Students develop awareness and understanding of democracy, government, their rights and how laws are made and upheld as part of their studies.
The challenges of life are addressed by teaching knowledge alongside scenarios and alternative viewpoints. This encourages students to reflect and think critically about situations they may face in the future. They learn to identify bias and misinformation to enable informed decision making. Everyone faces difficult situations in their lives, through following the curriculum students develop resilience as well as their knowledge of how, when and who to ask for support when needed.
Our curriculum is both inclusive and diverse through the study of how civic and human rights came to be. Students consider the lives of people who are different to themselves, for example by ability, gender, sexuality and ethnicity. Students are supported and encouraged to use their skills and understanding to make and promote positive differences to their own lives, as well as to the lives of others.