Message from the Headteacher
At Highgate Wood School we strive to deliver the best education we can for our students. However, against a national backdrop of funding cuts, it is becoming harder than ever to provide our students with the additional resources they need to enjoy the best possible learning experiences and reach their full potential.
We have now launched a fundraising scheme and are asking parents and carers to make voluntary donations to a new Parent Carer Fund (PCF). There is absolutely no obligation to contribute (we are asking that you give what you are able and willing to give and not a penny more), but every contribution (no matter how big or small) will support our students and is fully appreciated.
Amongst other things we need your donations to upgrade the computer network, improve our outside spaces and reduce our carbon footprint.
As we are asking that anything you contribute to the school comes via the Highgate Wood Parent/Staff Association (PSA), a registered charity, your donations are eligible for Gift Aid. This means that for every £20 donated to the PCF, the school will actually receive £25. For every £100 donated, the school receives £125.I am extremely proud of our school, the great achievements of our students, the incredible commitment of our staff and governors, and the wonderful and enthusiastic support the PSA and all our families play in making that possible.
I am very confident that this extra funding will make a real difference to the fabric of our school, and I thank you for your continued support for Highgate Wood School
Help Support Highgate Wood School
The PSA welcomes any support or help you may be able to offer; some of our members volunteer a lot of their time while others are only available for specific events. If you are able to offer help or support of any kind, please contact the PSA through