Why attend Highgate Wood School?
At Highgate Wood School the education of every young person is held to be of equal value. The school motto is that Everyone Matters and this is reflected in our school aims. Our last Ofsted inspections have highlighted our “positive and inclusive learning ethos” where children “enjoy a good quality of education because the good teaching they receive.” They comment that “teaching is good and improving,” with teachers “stretching the most able and targeting pupils’ needs” where “effective feedback across subjects helps pupils to understand how they can improve.” You can see our full ofsted report on their website.
In recent years Highgate Wood School has consistently returned excellent examination results, with the vast majority of our students meeting or exceeding their target grades. Progress 8, which is now the “standard” by which schools are measured, demonstrates how students at Highgate Wood School have consistently made significantly better progress than the national average. Our 2019 exam results have continued to demonstrate this very positive performance.
A key element of our commitment to Global Citizenship is the Model United Nations programme. At Model UN, students take on the role of ambassadors for a particular country and then debate in one or two day conferences around an agreed topic. Their goal is to resolve global problems using the structures and formal debating procedures of the UN. Highgate Wood School has built up an enviable reputation within Model UN since we were first involved with the project in 2005 and our students regular winning the ‘Best Delegation’ and other awards whenever we participate.