About the Conference:
We are delighted to be welcoming a large number of other schools to our Model UN Conference on Saturday February 29th. The different schools have different levels of experience with Model UN but we are sure that everyone who comes will benefit from the event. Model UN is much more about co-operation than competition. We are all here to learn something and to help each other.
For those entirely new to Model UN this video might be useful. There are also lots of resources available on the Best Delegate website here.
Preparing for the conference
Delegates (the students who come to the conference) will have already been given assigned a country that they will represent on the committee to which they have been allocated. It is useful to learn something about the committee you are on and links to these different UN organisations are lower down on this page. Briefing Papers for all the committees have been prepared by the directors of those committees at Highgate Wood School (all of them sixth form students) and are available below.
At Model UN you are not arguing your personal opinions, but the opinions of the country you are representing. There are some useful links to websites giving information about different countries lower on this page – both general information (eg BBC Country Profiles and CIA World Factbook) and information more connected to climate issues. To be very well prepared it is always useful to also research information about other countries, especially ones to which your assigned country has a relationship. You will then be in a better position to have an idea about what their views are and be able to argue your own position more powerfully.
Prepare a position paper
Delegates need to research information about their country, particular in relation to the issues connected to their committee but also to get familiar with news and events happening in their country. Before the conference delegates should write a position paper. These are usually around four paragraphs long. Guidance on writing your position paper is available here You might find this video useful in writing a position paper.
Please send us your position paper before the conference
When your position paper is complete please email it to admin@hwsmun.org . This will help us to select the delegates who should win the best position paper awards!
Put the following in the subject line of your email: Your country and committee
In the body write your name, school, country and committee and then attach your position paper.
Schedule for the conference
The conference will open at 9:00am and the full schedule is available here. Registration will take place between 9:00am and 9:15am. Please make sure you arrive in good time so we can have a prompt start.
Delegates should come in business attire. For boys this generally means shirt and tie (and where possible a jacket) and no jeans. For girls that means no jeans and looking smart.
Lunch will be available free of charge and will consist of vegetarian curry or vegetarian lasagne. Snacks and drinks will be available to purchase through out the day.
Conference Guests
We are very pleased to be welcoming Catherine West MP and Catherine Mulhall from Greenpeace as our guest speakers.